Adamson University Mining Engineering and Geology Association (AUMEGA)


The Adamson University Mining Engineering and Geology Students’ Association envisions itself as a competent, productive, transformative, and service-oriented youth organization that serves as an instrument in the development and imposition of camaraderie, excellence, competence, social responsibility, and professionalism among its members.


As a recognized student organization, Adamson University Mining Engineering and Geology Students’ Association amplifies the participation of Mining Engineering and Geology students in accordance to the organization’s aim of assisting in the student formation and development. As Vincentian Organization, it permeates its activities and programs with the examples of St. Vincent de Paul and in the highest of standards in order to produce Vincentian Mining Engineers and Geologists that creatively respond to those in need.


The Adamson University Mining Engineering and Geology Association (AUMEGA) is the
only academic organization in the university that is solely dedicated to Mining Engineering and
Geology students. The organization was established in the year 2009 under the accredited
name Adamson University Mining, Geology and Ceramic Society. However, as the number of
Ceramic Engineering students decreased to zero, the organization shifted to its present name in
2011. It was then the start of its annual growth in population especially in Geology with a
combined population of at least 350.
AUMEGA is extensively committed in developing excellence, honor, leadership, social
conscience, and enlightened nationalism among its supportive members. Apart from this,
AUMEGA is also in one with Adamson University’s own 5S goals: Search for Excellence,
Solidarity, Social Responsibility, Sustained Integral Development, and Spirit of St. Vincent de
The organization has already created numerous activities that ensure eloquence in its
members such as environmental, religious, and outreach activities aside from its legacy events:
Lecture Series, and MEGAlympics. In its 11 years of establishment, AUMEGA has received
numerous awards including sports and is consistently in the ranks of the most productive
organizations in the university with excellent officers who also receive outstanding awards and
recognitions in their respective positions.