“Remain steadfast in faith, hope”: University Chaplain reminds community during mass for Immaculate Conception Feast

Date Posted: December 9, 2024 at 03:36 PM

The University marked the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary with a solemn Mass at the ST Chapel, bringing together the university community to reflect on the significance of this important Marian feast this December 9.

The Mass was University Chaplain Fr. Biju Scaria, CM, along with University President Fr. Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM.

In his homily, Fr. Scaria emphasized the deep historical and theological roots of the Immaculate Conception, tracing the origins of this doctrine, where the Blessed Mother declared, “I am the Immaculate Conception.”

Fr. Scaria then shared insights into the meaning of the Immaculate Conception, also emphasizing that Mary, while chosen by God, still faced challenges, pain, and struggles throughout her life.

However, despite such trials, she remained faithful, becoming the first and greatest disciple of Christ. This, Fr. Scaria said, offers a powerful lesson for all Christians: to cooperate with God’s grace, even in the face of difficulties, and to remain steadfast in faith and hope.

“My dear friends, the Feast of Immaculate Conception would also ask us to be pure and holy in our journey as a disciple of Christ, leaving everything that of the world,” he highlighted.

He also reflected on the personal journey of each individual, encouraging the faithful to examine how they use the many graces and gifts they have received from God, ultimately asking whether they, like Mary, are able to cooperate with God’s will in their own lives, even amid struggles and hardships.

Fr. Scaria concluded his homily by calling on the community to strive for purity and holiness as they continue their journey as disciples of Christ. He reminded the congregation that this is also the season of Advent, a time of preparation for the birth of Christ at Christmas.

“Just like Mary gifted Christ to the world, let us also gift Christ, allow Christ to be born in our heart and gift him all around in love,” he said.