AdUNEST, incubatee tie up with fellow tech innovation hubs for SCALE-NCR event

Date Posted: September 15, 2023 at 02:56 PM

AdUNEST (Adamson University Neo Science and Technology Incubation Center), along with tech incubatee, Agricops MD, continued to take the lead in technology innovation, this time extending it to the Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) in Quezon City last August 30. 

Adamsons technopreneurship office spearheaded the SCALE-NCR event, "Startup Amplify: Elevating Startups to Investment Success,” which brought together promising startups, seasoned investors, industry leaders, and influential entrepreneurs under one roof to share insights and strategies for achieving investment success. 

AgriCrops MD is an incubatee of AdUNEST. The said partnership exemplified the eventual fruits of the collaboration, wherein under the guidance and resources provided by AdUNEST, the said startup has been able to advance its vision of revolutionizing agriculture through innovative technologies. 

AdUNEST, with the University’s Innovation and Technology Support Office, has sustained its momentum in making Adamson one of the leading institutions in terms of technology innovation and technopreneurship, as well as in training endeavors. 

The said event was also held in partnership with TIP’s Nurture Innovation Technology Revolution Office (NITRO) and tech innovation hub Launchgarage.