Legal Affairs, HRMDO host seminar about laws on sexual harassment for co-acad staff
Date Posted: April 20, 2023 at 03:13 PM

University co-academic staff filled the Co Po Ty Hall of the Dr. Carlos Tiu Center for Technology Innovation and Research as the Legal Affairs Office and the Human Resource Management and Development Office hosted a seminar on Sexual Harassment in the Educational field, April 19.
AdU Legal Counsel Atty. Agnes Rivera served as the Resource Speaker for the forum, where she expounded on legal matters regarding Republic Act 7877, also known as the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 and Republic Act 11313 or the Safe Spaces Act.
“[We] decided to [hold this seminar] so that [the community] can be guided on what to do and what not to do in addressing certain issues that may have certain legal repercussions,” Atty. Rivera said as she opened her discussion.
During the seminar, Atty. Rivera reiterated the significant and relative provisions of the said laws, and highlighted the rights and responsibilities of university employees, in this case the co-academic personnel. Atty. Rivera utilized real-life situations to explain the leagalities through cases under the two Republics Acts that were discussed.
A similar discussion was also conducted for university administrators last April 12.