CMO, HRMDO bring back in-person Institutional Recollection

Date Posted: March 28, 2023 at 10:53 AM

The Campus Ministry Office, in coordination with the Human Resource Management and Development Office, brought back the University’s in-person recollection, organizing the activity last March 24 at the Regina Rosarii Institute for Contemplation in Asia (RICA) in Tanay, Rizal. 

Carrying the theme “The Vincentians Journeying Together as One People of God,” the event served as the 577 participating faculty members, administrators, and co-academic staff’s retreat from their busy schedules amid the city life in the Metro. 

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Board Member and Sacred Heart College of Lucena Vice-President for Student Development, Well-Being and External Linkages (SDWEL) Mr. Narciso Cruzat, Jr., served as recollection master and discussed topics on cultural realities and Vincentian responsibilities and responses on present issues. 

Sr. Espie Brasil, OP, Foundress of the venue, also greeted the participants upon their arrival. 

The activities were concluded with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided by CMO Director Fr. William Azul Encelan, CM.