AdU group film makes top 4 of Manila Film Festival
Date Posted: March 28, 2023 at 10:51 AM

Adamson U will, once again, have a representative in the upcoming Manila Film Festival.
CTRL-F- ESC!, a film produced by Silip@Lente and the Cultural Affairs Office was selected as one of the Top 4 finalists for the competition announced this March 24 at the Bulwagang Villegas of the Manila City Hall.
The film was the University’s official screenplay entry.
The Manila Film Festival is a film grant and mentorship competition headed by the City of Manila through its mayor, Honey Lacuna- Pangan and Artcore Productions Inc.
Over 20 entries from filmmakers nationwide were submitted for consideration but only CTRL-F- ESC!, Arellano University's Unspoken and Colegio de San Juan de Letran's The Adventures of Kweem Jhonabelle and The Uncanny.
The film screening of the Manila Film Festival will be from June 17 to June 24.