Prexy tells community to inspire through sacrifice, knowledge sharing during foundation day mass

Date Posted: February 17, 2023 at 08:03 PM

Members of the Adamson community came together at the ST Quadrangle for the opening mass of the University’s Foundation Week, February 13. 

University President Fr. Marcelo V. Manimtim, CM presided the celebration along with Vice President for Financial Affairs Fr. Rafael Eloriaga, CM, Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs Fr. Rock Joseph Enriquez, CM, Office for Athletic Development Director Fr. Aldrin Suan, CM and Center for Research and Development Director Fr. Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM. 

In his homily, Fr. Manimtim reminded the Adamsonian faithful of the close ties between having a strong faith and doing well within the academe. 

“The theme of our anniversary celebration is AdU@91: Initiate, Inspire, and Innovate towards Shaping the Future. What St. Paul asks of a thriving faith community is pretty much akin to what we look for in a supportive, thriving academic community. That we are a community that knows how to inspire and innovate towards the future,” he said.  

“In Jesus, love proves itself in sacrifice. As in Jesus, we can see this proof of love in our community, in what teachers, staff and administrators do. I hope I am not wrong when I tell you this: we give of our lives so that the students learn... In teaching the teacher gives the best of herself/himself in order that the student learns, and all the persons in auxiliary positions have to be imbued with the equal sense of sacrifice for teaching and learning to happen.” 

The University President also reminded the community of each’s role within the institution, and how playing each wholeheartedly brings harmony among peoples. 

“In the relationship of friends, the friend does what is good for his/her friend. I would like to see the relationship between teacher and student as a relationship between friends,” he said. 

“The student does not serve the teacher. It is the teacher who serves the student. There is a similar dynamic between colleagues, between people working on a project, between people with adjoining functions. One does not slave the other; he/she does good for the other.” 

To conclude his reflection of the day’s gospel reading, Fr. Manimtim likened it to situations in educational institutions. 

“In the academic community, each one is called to excel not to compete but to complement. It is in our educative mission that we all share that we see and manifest the characters of love, the characters of sacrifice and giving,” he said. 

 “It may sound simplistic, yet it is through sacrifice and knowledge sharing that we can inspire others and help them innovate in their lines of work that we can charge together towards the future,” he added. 

The mass kickstarted a week-long set of academic and co-curricular activities the University has organized to commemorate and celebrate Adamson U’s 91st Foundation Anniversary.