IPOPHL holds patent search seminar in CTIR Building
Date Posted: September 15, 2022 at 09:41 AM

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL), in partnership with the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), conducted a two-day seminar and competition on Patent Information Search on September 8 – 9, 2022, at the Co Po Ty Hall, Dr. Carlos Tiu Center for Technology Innovation and Research.
Following its objective of “increasing awareness about patent information utilization, cultivating information retrieval and analysis skills, and promoting innovations,” the event had featured a seminar workshop on Patent Information Retrieval (Patent Search) and Patent Search Competition on Innovative Technical Solutions for Business. It also provided opportunities for education, training, and dissemination about methods of patent search and patent analysis.
The participants also had a preliminary webinar that discussed the classification of patents, patent search tools and databases, and patent search strategies.

The onsite training, meanwhile, was focused on understanding the patents and patent search as well as skills and strategies in navigating various patent database. These patent information were then taught as a tool for various revenue business models.
ERIA holds patent information retrieval workshops and invention business contests with the cooperation of the national IP Office of each ASEAN country to promote utilization of patent information.
Atty. Teodoro C. Pascua, Deputy Director General of IPOPHL, Mr. Toru Furuichi, Director General of ERIA, Dr. Venusmar C. Quevedo, AdU Vice President for Adminstrative Affairs and Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO) Manager, Atty. Louie Andrew C. Calvario, OID Director of IPOPHL Documentation, Information and Technology Transfer Bureau (DITTB), and Prof. Yoshitoshi Tanaka, ERIA WG Leader and Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology, were present during the event.

IPOPHL DITTB OIC Division Chief Engr. Wilfredo Calaguan and his team worked in coordination with the Adamson University ITSO team headed by Ms. Anna A. Ramos, ITSO IP Development Head and Dr. Quevedo for the affair’s fruition.
IPOPHL, through the DITTB, collaborates with public and private institutions and provides patent search and analytics services including training and information dissemination campaigns on the utilization of patent information.
Winners of the contest received certificates and cash prizes.