AdU gets two more DOST grants

Date Posted: November 20, 2020 at 03:06 PM

The University has secured two more grants from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) for its projects in technology commercialization.

IP Management Program for Academic Institutions Commercializing Technologies (IMPACT) and Establishment of Adamson University Technology Business Incubator for Neo-Environmental Science and Technology (AdUNEST) will be receiving significant support from the country’s science and technology department.

Engr. Noe Enriquez, Head of IP Commercialization of the AdU Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO), said the projects will improve the University’s capability of estabilishing connections with external industries for possible partnership or consumership, as well as develop internal IP services and processes within ITSO and its sustainability.

IMPACT addresses internal issues such as limited R&D project output for IP and commercial evaluation, low number of commercial technologies, low adoption rate of university produced technology by the industry, lack of personnel and lack of policy on licensing and negotiations. Solving these problems, as the study suggests, would attract IP and technology transfer officers, as well as inventors for development of patents and utility models.

AdUNEST, meanwhile, aims to enhance AdU’s capability to assist existing researches reach the market by incorporating modern and free-working space – incubators -- for its students and researchers to produce tangible outputs. It also featres a comprehensive program to help in commercialization and overcome problems faced by start-up and spin-off industries.