AdU, neighbor schools, BioCrest Pharma and PRRC sign MOU
Date Posted: December 7, 2018 at 09:05 AM
Adamson University (AdU), Philippine Normal University (PNU), Santa Isabel College (SIC), Technological University of the Philippines (TUP), Bio Crest Pharma, Inc. and the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission (PRRC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the cleanup and maintenance of the Estero de Balete at the Office of the President Conference Room last November 16, 2018. All four schools straddle the banks of the estero, a perennially polluted stream branching out of the Pasig River with a dead end at Taft Ave. A big portion of it cuts across the Adamson campus.
A short program preceded the signing of the MOU. Jose Antonio E. Goitia, Executive Director of the PRRC, gave the welcome remarks. A presentation of the 2018 PRRC AVP and Inaugural Asia Riverprize Trophy Awarding was shown. This was followed by a presentation on Bio Crest Pharma, Inc. Water Quality Improvement Partnership Project in Estero de Balete. A demonstration of the effects of several water cleansing products from Bio Crest on a sample of murky water from the estero was conducted.
Signing the MOU were Fr. Marcelo V. Manimtim, CM – President, Adamson University; Jimbo M. Mallari – Deputy Executive Director for Finance and Administration, PRRC; Nestor M. Lorenzo – President/CEO, Bio Crest Pharma, Inc.; Clelland E. Lorenzo – General Manager/COO, Bio Crest Pharma, Inc.; Dr. Maria Antoinette C. Montealegre – OIC, Philippine Normal University; Dr. Jesus Rodrigo F. Torres – President, Technological University of the Philippines; and Sr. Novella R. Borjal, D.C. – President, Sta. Isabel College-Manila.