Adamson University joins UMAP Board
Date Posted: September 6, 2018 at 10:00 AM
The UMAP Board Philippines in Davao City at its meeting held on August 29 & 30, 2018 at the University of Immaculate Conception, Davao.
Adamson University is now part the Board of Trustees of the University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) Philippines, the technical arm of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in promoting mobility programs among Higher Educational Institutions across the Asia Pacific region.
Representing the university at the UMAP Board is Sr. Maruja S. Padre Juan, MSCS, director of the Office for University Relations.
UMAP was founded in 1991 as a voluntary association of government and non-government representatives of the higher education sector in the Asia-Pacific region. Its general aim is for each of the countries and territories in the region to achieve a better understanding of the cultural, economic and social systems of other countries and territories in Asia Pacific through enhanced cooperation among higher education institutions and increased mobility of university students and staff. UMAP consists of 11 countries and territories with full membership, with the Philippines, through CHED, becoming a full member in 2001.