AdU receives CHED’s ISA report
Date Posted: July 24, 2018 at 10:46 AM
Adamson University received the much-awaited final report on the results of the Institutional Sustainability Assessment (ISA) visit conducted by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) last June 20-22, 2016. The Office of the President received it on May 16, 2018.
The CHED’s ISA is one of the tools that can be considered by Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to evaluate their internal capacity to operationalize their respective vision. It can show their internal capacity to translate their visions, policies and strategies into quality programs and quality results.
Adamson University was assessed based on these KRAs: 1 – Governance and Management; 2 – Quality of Teaching and Learning; 3 – Quality of Professional Exposure, Research and Creative Work; 4 – Support for Students; and, 5 – Relations with the Community.
The university got an excellent rating in KRA 5 but will have to improve on Research and Creative Work. Clearly, the work being done by the Integrated Community Extension Services (ICES) has made an impact both on the life of its beneficiaries and on the university’s institutional image. The preponderance of the rating of 3 is good enough while at the same time it encourages the university community to continue aiming for better results. While the areas that need the most improvement are research and creative work, the university continues to strengthen these through the efforts of the Center for Research and Development and other departments directly related to these areas.
The administration extends its congratulations and thanks for the collective effort of the entire university in making the ISA a success.