AdU College of Law conducts free Legal Aid clinic
Date Posted: February 27, 2018 at 08:59 AM
In celebration of the 86th Founding Anniversary of Adamson University, the College of Law set up a free Legal Aid clinic at the SV grounds last February 14, 2018.
The clinic primarily aimed to provide free legal services not just to the employees of the university but to the public as well. According to the project head, Atty. Katherine Panguba, this project reflects the philosophy of Adamson University, which is purely service, charity, and generosity. More than that, it is the responsibility of lawyers to provide competent legal aid, especially to those who cannot afford it.
The College of Law has already established the Office of the Legal Aid which accepts qualified clients, particularly the indigent and pauper litigants and provides them with legal assistance. This same office also partners with the Integrated Community Extension Services Office (ICES) in answering legal queries of the people in the school’s adopted communities.
This program is a two-way service since the students who volunteer their services are being opened to new experiences and they understand better the demands and purpose of the law profession.
The Office of the Legal Aid is open from 1-5 PM, Monday to Friday.