Registrar - Enrolment Primer

Enrollment for undergraduate students

Procedures for online enrollment for block students.

  • Pays down payment and other school fees.
  • Log-in the Learning Management System (LMS for brevity) to confirm the assigned block section.
  • Prints certificate of enrolment with assessment of fees through LMS.

Procedures for online enrollment for non-block students

  • Pays down payment and other school fees.
  • Enlists subjects to be enrolled as advised by their system generated final pre-advised subjects.

    To enlist

    • 2.1 Open Web Browser
    • 2.2 Log-in to LMS account
      • 1.2.1 Go to
      • 1.2.2 Enter the 9-digit student number as username and password.
        For example:
        • USERNAME: 201110001
          PASSWORD: AdU
          If you forgot your password, click “Forgot Password” and follow the instructions. Upon login, you will be required to change your password.
        • Once logged in, you may now access your account.
      • 1.2.3. Once logged in, the student may now access his account.

    • 2.3 Subject enlistment

      • 2.3.1 Subject enlistment is on first come-first serve basis
      • 2.3.2 Pre-advised subjects refer to the list of subjects advised to be taken by the students next term/semester.
      • 2.3.3 Go to “Subject Enlistment”.
      • 2.3.4 Click “Proceed to Subject Enlistment” button to start the process.
      • 2.3.5 Click on the particular subject on the “Pre-Advised Subjects” to view the schedules/sections offered.
      • 2.3.6 Choose the desired schedules. Click the other subjects on the “Pre-advised Subjects” tab to add more subjects. Click on the particular subject if you wish to edit or delete.
      • 2.3.7 After selecting all the desired subjects, click the “save” button. Chosen subjects will be saved.
      • 2.3.8 After completing the enlistment process, click “Print Enrolled Subjects” to print Certificate of Enrollment with Assessment of Fees from any computer with internet access.

Procedures for adding/Inclusion of subjects

  • Proceeds to subject department/college for inclusion
  • Once approved and verified, the subject department will process the request.
  • Prints updated certificate of enrolment with assessment of fees thru LMS.

Procedures for Inclusion beyond 40 capacities

  • Proceeds to subject department/college for inclusion.
  • Presents the following documents to the subject department/college:
    • 2.1 Updated TCG with evaluation (for graduating students)
    • 2.2 Approved overload/simultaneous permit (for overload subjects)
    • 2.3 Accomplished registration form (green form 1) for transferee and cross enrollee.
    • 2.4 Certificate of enrolment printout (for under load)
    • 2.5 From dissolved sections.
  • Go to the Scheduling and Automation Section window or to any designated laboratory for deletion of subject.
  • Prints the updated certificate of enrollment with assessment of fees thru LMS.

Procedures for deletion of subjects

  • Gets and accomplish the load revision form (deletion form) from the program department/college.
  • Secure approval from the subject department/college.
  • Go to the Scheduling and Automation Section window or to any designated laboratory for deletion of subject.
  • Prints the updated certificate of enrollment with assessment of fees thru LMS.

Procedures for petitioning of subject

  • Tutorial class
    • Proceeds to the department/college for petition
    • Signs in the survey form (if any)
    • After verification and the name of student is encoded in the petition by the subject department/college, the student must sign in triplicate copy of the tutorial form.
    • In case of conflict of schedules or violation of curriculum, the student must correct it before signing.
    • Prints updated certificate of enrolment with assessment of fees via LMS.
  • Tutorial Conversion
    • Requests for the dissolved subject conversion to tutorial.
    • Once verified, the subject department/college will encode the name in the petition module.
    • Sign in triplicate copy of the approved tutorial form. In case there is conflict of schedules or violation of curriculum, the student must correct it before signing.
    • Prints updated certificate of enrolment with assessment of fees via LMS.

Procedures in verifying semester grades and curriculum checklist

  • Students can check their grades for the previous semester by clicking on “My Grades” found at the top of the page before proceeding to enrolment.
  • Students can view or print their curriculum checklist by clicking the drop down menu under the student name.


For a successful online enrolment, a down payment must be paid to make the enlistment official.

  • Down payments should be at least Php10,000 to be officially enrolled.
  • For payment of tuition fees, please refer to this LINK
  • Students should settle old accounts prior to enrolment for the next semester.
  • For discounts on tuition fees (full payment, sibling, alumnus child, etc.), please refer to this LINK

Outgoing Students for Cross-Enrollment


  • Fills-out Request to Cross-Enroll Form (F-REG-317) and secures approval from the Dean/Chairperson.
  • Pays cross-enrollment permit fee at the Cashier’s Office.
  • Submits request at the respective program window of the Registrar’s Office for processing.
  • Get the approved document/s from the program window of the Registrar’s office.

Incoming Students for Cross-Enrollment

A cross-enrollee who wishes to enroll at Adamson University must:

  • Presents a valid permit granted by the school where he/she is officially enrolled.
  • Completes the admission requirements.
  • Follows the same enrollment procedures for old students.
  • Pay tuition fee in the host school.

Dropping of Subjects

Dropping of subjects without records should be done within the week after the end of enrollment while dropping of subjects with records shall start immediately after the end of dropping without records until midterm examination.


Without Records

  • Gets and accomplish F-REG-310 form (pink) from the Registrar’s Office.
  • Secure the required signature of Dean/Chairperson, Registrar and Cashier.
  • Distribute the approved copy to the concerned offices.

With Records

  • Gets and accomplish F-REG-311 form (white) from the Registrar’s Office.
  • Secure the required signature of Instructor, Dean/Chairperson, Registrar and Cashier.
  • Distribute the approved copy to the concerned offices.

Subjects not officially dropped at any time of the school terms are considered failure and marked 5.0 and will be recorded in the student permanent record book.

Overload/Simultaneous Permit


Department Chairperson/Dean may allow students who are on their terminal year to enroll up to six (6) lecture units or 6 hours in excess of the regular load. For compelling reasons accepted by the Department Chairman/Dean, enrollment in 3 laboratories may be allowed provided the total enrollment will not exceed 21 units.

  • Fills- up Request Overload Form/Request for Simultaneous Load Form (F-REG-324) and Program of Study Form (F-REG-318) available at the mother department.
  • Fills- up application form for Automated Evaluation of Students Academic Record (AESAR) and pay at the Cashier’s Office if credentials are complete, otherwise submit the lacking credentials.
  • Submit the accomplished Overload/ Simultaneous load form (F-REG-324), program of study and AESAR to the Mother Department for processing and approval.
  • Get the approved/disapproved document/s from the Mother Department.

Transfer of Program/Major (Shifting)

The term “shifting” refers to a transfer from one program to another of the same level. A level may refer to baccalaureate, masters, doctoral, or diploma/certificate (non-degree).


  • A student may apply to shift to another program offered within the University after completing at least one semester of his current program.
  • Shifting to other programs shall be approved by the mother Department or College and by the accepting Department or College. The appropriate Change of Major/Program Form (F-REG-308) shall be used.
  • Students academically excluded from one program but not from the University may be legible to change program or change major.

Cancellation of Enrollment

This process covers the cancellation of enrollment by freshmen and transferee student only based on compelling reason/s as endorsed by the chairperson and dean and approved by the registrar.

  • Procedures:
    • Write a letter of request for cancellation of enrollment together with supporting documents.
    • secure endorsement from the chairperson and dean.
    • Obtain approval from the registrar.
    • Submit approved letter to the Scheduling and Automation Section.
  • Tuition charges in case of cancellation of enrolment:
    • Freshmen/transferees: PhP5,000 and ID fee (if any)
    • Old students: PhP1,000
      • After the start of classes
      • A student who wishes to transfer or otherwise withdraw should properly apply in writing for the cancellation of enrolment at the Registrar’s Office within two (2) weeks after the start of classes.
    • If a student has already paid the pertinent tuition and other fees including down payment, he/she may be charged:
      • Twenty-five percent (25%) of the total amount due for the term if he withdraws within the first week of classes.
      • Fifty percent (50%) if within the second week of classes, regardless of whether or not the student has actually attended classes.
      • Full charge of the total amount due if withdrawal of enrolment is after the second week of classes.

Withdrawal of Credentials

This process covers the withdrawal of credentials by freshmen and transferee student only based on compelling reason/s as endorsed by the chairperson/dean and approved by the registrar.


  • Secure withdrawal of credentials form (____) from Admission Section.
  • Attach approved letter of cancellation of enrollment properly stamped by Scheduling and Automation Section.
  • Submit the accomplished form to the Admission Section.

Re-admission of Returning Students


  • Apply for True Copy of Grades (TCG) and get Re-admission form (F-REG-309) from the Office of the Registrar (program window);
  • Fill out the form;
  • Secure clearances from the following office:
    • Office of Student Affairs (OSA)
    • Main Library
    • Finance Department
    • Registrar's Office;
  • Attach TCG, and one (1) 2x2 ID picture;
  • Obtain approval from the:
    • Chairperson
    • Dean
    • and Registrar;
  • Reproduce four (4) copies of the approved form;
  • Submit to the concerned offices (Department, Dean’s Office, OSA, and Registrar’s Office);
  • Let program window regenerate your account;
  • Follow the enrolment procedure.