Silip@Lente - AdU

Silip@Lente-AdU is a nonprofit co-academic student film and photography organization recognized by the Office for Student Affairs at Adamson University. The organization aims to help our Adamsonians and other aspiring photographers and filmmakers, writers, and editors pursue their passion for filmmaking and photography through events, workshops, projects, and other opportunities where they can enhance their skills and confidence in such fields.


To maximize students skills as an asset of the University.

To inform and educate the students regarding the country’s societal issues and if possible, find solutions and contribute to its success.

Uplift Adamson Community’s morale by making it as one among the universities known in the field of film-making.
To make a mark as a Vincentian Student of the Adamson University.

To make an organization that would create independent films available for outside school competitions.

Contact Us
Silip at Lente Adamson University