Mountaineering and Explorations Society of Adamson University (MESAU)

About Us

The Mountaineering & Exploration Society of Adamson University was founded in 1982 on principles that cater to the upliftment of mountaineering and exploration as a science, sport and art in its highest regard for the pursuance of a better understanding and knowledge of the world around us. It is concerned with the conservation and preservation of our natural resources. 

This is an organization for individual regardless of race, color, creed, sex, nationality and religion who understands very well the purpose and rigors of mountaineering and exploration as a personal challenge and also as a way of educating and elightening our fellowmen the importance of ecological balance through the various expeditions and research works the organization will undertake. 

This organization is not intended for show-offs or people whose personal interests comes before that of the organizations intentions but is an organization for special breed of dedicated men and women who will do their share for the upliftment of our society’s values. As this is the true and original mountaineering organization in the university, this organization is intended for the chosen few. 

With more than three decades of existence, MESAU’s scope, principles and identity through the years has also grown and changed for the betterment of the organization. It is not only composed of students from Adamson but also professionals who had graduated in Adamson and had opted to continue to be identified as MESAU. With the long, rich and colorful history of MESAU, who doesn’t want to be associated with MESAU? 

The Mountaineering & Exploration Society of Adamson University or MESAU is a nonstock, non-profit, non-sectarian and non-political organization registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission with a duly instituted set of officers. The logo of the word MESAU with the capital letter “M” symbolizing two mountains and a circle above the letter M as the rising sun is a registered trademark of MESAU Inc. MESAU is also dedicated to the promotion, protection and conservation of the environment.


The Mountaineering and Exploration Society of Adamson University aims to produce potential mountaineers who appreciate and helps in the protection of the beauty and elegance of the God given nature and also to inhibit good traits and discipline throughout the whole process


MESAU shall primarily endeavor to help in a concerted manner and in the spirit of community service, forests, wildlife, and tribal community conservation