Center for Research and Development - University Research AgendaToday, it is recognized that the role of research in the growth of science and technology, and innovation significantly contributes to the economic development and prosperity. While the universities as the center of learning have the academics as the priority, it is also crucial that it provides the country with a steady supply of scientists and researchers. The Commission of Higher Education (CHED), in Memorandum Order (CMO) No.52 Series of 2016, “The Pathways to Equity, Relevance and Advancement in Research, Innovation and Extension in Philippine Higher Education,” indicated that universities should continue to show distinct niches in a variety of fields and various stages of research. For this to be achieved the following concerned needed to be addressed:
Adamson University sets the prime objective of its research agenda in contributing to poverty alleviation interests to facilitate the social mobility among Filipino communities, specifically:
Guided by the above objectives and CMO No.52 S.2016, Adamson University continues to set its research agenda in alignment with the Commission on Higher Education –National Higher Education Research Agenda (CHED-NHERA), and the National Harmonized Research and Development Agenda (NHRDA) of the Philippines through the Department of Science and Technology and its Science and Technology Research Councils (DOST System). Hence, the University adopts the following 5-Point Research Agenda: 1. PRODUCTIVITY AND COMPETITIVENESS IN BUSINESS PROGRAMS: This agenda features three (3) major research topics namely:
2. ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS: This agenda is anchored on the “discovery- applied research continuum,” which calls for research projects towards addressing several clusters of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SGD) laid down by the United Nations. Researchers can dwell on topics leading to the development of products, services and policies, namely:
3. INTEGRATIVE DEVELOPMENT APPROACHES IN EDUCATION, SOCIAL SCIENCES, HUMANITIES, AND COMMUNICATION PROGRAMS This agenda encourages the establishment of a healthy ecosystem that researchers may study in consideration of the following sub-agendas such as:
4. COMMUNITY HEALTH AND THE EFFECTIVE DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE PROGRAMS This agenda caters to one of the 17 SGD concerns as reflected in its general idea, thus, it employs sub-agendas such as:
5. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION PROGRAMS: This agenda deals with the urgent concerns arising from crises in the country brought about by inefficiency in the use and conservation of natural resources. Thus, studies focus on sub-agendas including:
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