Center for Research and Development


          Adamson University honors its vision and mission as a higher learning institution to uphold the value of research in the performance of its role in nation building. To support this objective, the University established the Center for Research and Development (CRD) along with standing committees such as the University Research Board (URB), University Ethics Review Committee (UERC), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and the College Research Coordinators (CRC) to ensure the generation of effective and workable research endeavors.


The Center for Research and Development functions under the office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs (VPAA). It is in charge of encouraging University research undertakings through research capacity building from the production of research proposals to publication and utilization of completed projects. CRD also evaluates research proposals for funding approval and ensures that completed projects and outputs are registered for Intellectual Property (IP) protection.  The Center:

  • Operates with the guidance of the Executive Director, along with technical staff and a pool of internal and external technical experts and consultants.
    • Coordinates and supervises the review, evaluation, and approval of the conduct of research, IP registration, and utilization of research findings in accordance with the University policy;
    • Supervises the operation and provides the needed secretarial work of its above-mentioned standing committees;
    • Prepares and submits the required reports concerning research undertakings, research publication, and other office-related activities; and
    • Guides and assists researchers in securing external research grants and funding. 
    • It represents Adamson University in local and international external research partnership, collaborations, and linkages. 



          The existing Institutional Review Committee (IRC) has been rebranded as the University Research Board (URB). Its functions are focused on:

  • Assisting the Academic Council in formulating policies, plans and programs in research, including technical and administrative guidelines governing the procedures to be used in the University submission, reviewing and approving, monitoring internally and externally funded research project proposals and awards;
  • Setting standards and criteria of acceptability of proposals and awards submitted by researcher/s in accordance with the University research policies, program and research agenda;
  • Constituting a Technical Review Panel consisting of experts in the specific field relevant to the research proposal for review and evaluation to ensure the merits for approval; and
  • Determining the nature and amount of research assistance to be provided to research projects in accordance with approved and allocated CRD research funds.


          The University Ethics Review Committee (UERC) and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) focus on the ethical-moral aspects of research among scholarly and scientific projects in Adamson. The UERC is responsible for the review, approval, and evaluation of the ethical aspects of studies involving human subjects, while the IACUC oversights animal care and its uses for research and teaching activities in the University.


          To ensure that research proposals are aligned with the University research agenda, and the college operational plan, the College Research Coordinators (CRC) play a vital role in the initial evaluation and endorsement of research proposals to CRD. 

They are tasked to:

  • Initiate generation of the College research program following the University research agenda, in partnership with the Dean and the Department Chairpersons;
  • Facilitate initial review of research proposals -- format, technical aspect, and alignment with the University research agenda -- before submission to CRD;
  • Monitor the progress of approved projects until their completion;
  • Review final technical papers and manuscripts for publication; and
  • Submit semestral accomplishment reports of completed and ongoing research undertakings.