Library - Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any book drops available if I want to return library materials after hours?
Book drops are available at the 2nd floor LM Building in front of the the Engineering Library and CS Gare near turnstile.
Are there group study/discussion rooms?
Yes. Group study/discussion rooms can be reserved by students/faculty 3 days in advance at the Circulation Desk
Can I check-out CDs/DVDs? Where are they shelved?
Accompanying CDs, DVDs may be borrowed within the University premises use only. CDs/DVDs are shelved at the Library AVR. Please see the Reference and Media Librarian for the complete list of the said materials.
Do you have citation manuals I could use or borrow?
The Reference Section has a basic citation manual (APA, Chicago, MLA etc) on hand for consultation.
Does the Library entertain visiting/external users to do research?
Yes. Please refer to visiting users’ policy for complete guide.
I’d like to donate books to the Library. Whom shall I contact?
Please contact or Collection Management Librarian for your donations.
How can I borrow/check-out a book from the Library?
Search the OPAC for the availability of book, location and call number. Locate the books in the shelves fill-up book card and proceed to the Main Circulation Services for book check-out.
How can I pay for lost books?
Lost book(s) while on loan must be reported at once to the Section Librarian where the book was checked-out. Payment for the lost book is computed on the following basis.
How can we access eBooks, eJournals subscribed by the Library?
Like most library resources, eBooks/ eJournals can be accessed both on and off campus, click this link.
How do I access electronic resources on and off campus?
Using your STUDENT NUMBER as, you can access electronic resources through AdU cyberportal. A link to the electronic resources is accessible using this link
How do I find dissertations and theses? How do I access them? Can I photocopy or capture a digital copy of the thesis?
To search a theses or dissertation, use the Library OPAC workstations using the Advance Search Options, select the format type desire (THESIS or DISSERTATION) then click Search.
Undergraduate theses are located the Ground Floor of the LM building. Graduate theses and dissertations are at the Ground Floor, Graduate School Library, SV building.
Theses and dissertations are strictly for Library use only. Photocopying and digital capturing using cameras and cell phones are not allowed.
How do I know if an item is overdue?
When you borrow an item you will be issued a receipt, indicating the date due. You may also check the due date stamped on the date due slip inside the book.
How do I print or make photocopies in the library?
Printing is available at the Internet Section, Ground Floor of the LM Library. The Library does not have a color printer.
Printing Cost: P1.00/page
Copying machines are available at the following areas:
Ground Floor, LM Building (near ST clinic)
Ground Floor, CS Building (near Falcon Bridge)
Ground Floor, SV Building (near Graduate School Library)
How do I renew library materials?
Except for the books borrowed from Graduate School, St. Thomas More Law Library and BEd Library you may renew your books at the Main Circulation Section located at the 2nd Floor of the LM building
How do I request instruction in library research for my class?
Librarians are available to provide library research instruction. Faculty members may contact Head, Readers' Services to arrange a session with a librarian. We would appreciate your scheduling with us at least one week in advance.
What is a call number?
A call number is just a code given to a ook that relates to where it is shelved. The call number will normally look something like this:
QA 173.85 BAH
"QA" refers to the main subject area of the book (in this case mathematics), whilst the number gives a more specific identification of the subject - even further detail is given by the decimal number. Finally, the three letters usually refer to the author's name.
What library privileges do alumni have?
Adamson University Alumni are welcome to borrow books, videos and CDs for use within the Library premises only.