Core ValuesSearch for ExcellenceThe highest standards of academic excellence and professionalism in service are the hallmarks of Adamson University’s educative endeavors, thus, programs in the University are regularly assessed and remodeled to ensure efficacy and vigor in producing knowledgeable professionals who are expected to manifest a strong sense of responsibility, competency, efficiency, and professional conduct. Spirit of St. Vincent de PaulThe Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul inspires and permeates our learning community, programs, and services as seen in the University’s devotion to the Catholic faith and teachings, compassionate service to the disadvantaged, and the building of supportive relationships towards service to the underprivileged. SolidarityThe University believes education is a shared responsibility and a collaborative effort where the gifts of brotherhood and sisterhood are valued, a belief reflected in the institution’s community where participation, teamwork, interdependence, communication, and dialogue prevail; a. culture of appreciation that builds up the community, encouraging it towards excellence and professionalism. Social ResponsibilityEducation at Adamson University advocates for the development of a sense of social responsibility - the mark of an authentic Christian faith. Social responsibility leads to the empowerment of the marginalized sectors through the permeation of knowledge and human development, thus, the University is committed to work for the advancement of a society based on justice, peace, and respect for human dignity and the integrity of creation. Sustained Integral DevelopmentEducation is a lifelong quest whose primary purpose is the full and integral development of the human person, thus, the University is committed to provide and develop programs for holistic development and continuous learning through building partnerships with other educational institutions, government agencies, industries, business, and other groups to enhance the institution’s academic and professional capacity. |