An Adamsonian's Prayer

Dear Lord,

Teach me the things that are important:

To be generous with Your gifts,

Compassionate to those who have less,

Just in the face of unfair circumstances,

True when the world's values contradict my own,

Gracious when things don't go my way,

And magnanimous when they do.

May nothing else matter

Except Faith in Your goodness, my neighbor's, and mine,

Hope that things can get better,

And Charity that always sets things right.

May Your special Love for the Poor,

The mark of my uniquely Vincentian education,

Be the work I excel in,

The standard I constantly refer to,

And my courage when I meet You someday.

O Mary conceived without sin,

Pray for us who have recourse to thee.

St. Vincent de Paul,

Pray for us.